Our People

The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in service to others

Ko te huarahi pai ki te kimi i a koe anō ko te ngaro o tō mahi ki ētahi atu

Joanne Raana's Profile Photo

Jo McDonald


Kia ora koutou katoa
Ko Ngati Kahu te iwi
Ko Te Ahua te Marae
Ko Jo toku ingoa

I come from a life’s journey of personally lived experiences, professionally developed skills and understanding, that provide twenty plus years in the field of ‘sexual harm’.The opportunity to support the Male Survivors Te Tai Tokerau kaupapa, and consequently the Tane of this rohe to resolve, heal and move forward in a life unfettered from the impact of sexual harm, is a privileged mahi.

Margaret Purkis


Joanne Raana's Profile Photo

Philip Chapman


I am the founder of Male Room and have more than 30 years’ experience in working with families and males in the Nelson Region. As the chair of Male Survivors Aotearoa, I am committed to working with our member organisations to establish a sustainable national network of support service for male survivors of sexual abuse.

In addition to my role with the Male Room, I am also a Justice of the Peace, a trustee for the local Primary Health Organisation and a member of the steering committee for Te Rito anti-violence network in the Nelson Tasman region.

Joanne Raana's Profile Photo

John Tetley


I am father of two children and grand father of two grand children all whom live in Australia. Very sadly my partner and myself have not seen them all year and the prospects for trips to see them in the near future are not looking hopeful.

My upbringing was in Christchurch living by the Estuary under the shadow of the port hills.  Although I have spent most of my life in the North Island, I am essentially a south islander and the central high country continues to be close to my heart. Today as a semi-retired man, much of my time is spent at the Kerikeri Men’s Shed, digging the vegetable garden and fishing.

My working career has been as a counsellor working in schools, tertiary, community agencies and for myself in private practice.  My involvement in Male Survivors Aotearoa is linked to the passion I feel for social justice here in Aotearoa.

Joanne Raana's Profile Photo

Campbell McMullen


Cam is an experienced business manager and qualified educator who brings an empathetic approach to male support services.

Joanne Raana's Profile Photo

Tony Chamberlain


I am proud to be working with my colleagues in Male Survivors Aotearoa to build a capable national organisation, enabling its member organisations to provide an appropriate nationwide support service for the male survivors of sexual abuse.

Paul Moffat

Manager – Kerikeri

Bert Henry

Manager – Kaitaia

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The Inland Revenue Department has confirmed that Male Survivors Te Ta Tokerau has Donation Organisation Status and we welcome Donations to our Charitable Trust. Individuals making donations can claim Tax Credits for income tax purposes for cash donations of $5 or more, see Section LD 1 of the Income Tax Act 2007.

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