Coming In From The Cold

26 New Zealand male survivors share their personal stories of sexual abuse

In a new publication that records the last 10 years in the development of Tautoko Tāne Aotearoa, you will read the stories of 26 Tautoko Tāne staff and clients who have generously shared their survivor experiences to raise awareness of the impacts of sexual violence and to support the important work of the only national network in New Zealand that is dedicated to enabling the wellbeing of male survivors.

News & Events

Community is first of all a quality of the heart. It grows from the spiritual knowledge that we are alive not for ourselves but for one another.
Henri Nouwen

Male Survivors Aotearoa publishes part one of a research study on effective support services for male suriviors of sexual violence

Male Survivors Aotearoa publishes part one of a research study on effective support services for male suriviors of sexual violence.  “Living or merely existing” The experiences of male surivors of historical sexual abuse in Aotearoa New Zealand. Part two is expected to be published by mid 2023 Download PDF

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Homeless ‘experts’ – the homeless – to help funnel funds into what works

When it comes to helping the homeless, often the agencies get together and put in place what they think people need, says The Male Room director Philip Chapman. But very, very rarely asking people [themselves]. The experts are the people living on the street. The Male Room, a drop-in centre that offers advocacy and support, is to…

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The shocking scale and impact of decades of abuse by multiple Marist Brothers and Fathers

A series of stories has revealed the shocking scale and enduring impact of decades of sexual abuse by Marist Brothers and Fathers. But as National Correspondent Steve Kilgallon explains, yet more survivors are now coming forward and the story is far from over. “I was in tears reading your story,” says Dave Thomas (not his…

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Palmerston North exhibition ‘path to healing’ for sexual abuse victim

Artistic fragments of a childhood filled with trauma and frequent sexual abuse are on display at Square Edge in a bid to encourage others to ask for help. Catherine Daniels’ experiences were channelled into 49 sculptures and a book, that she hopes will resonate with people and foster conversation. Daniels purposely created the sculptures with…

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How Marists avoided large victim payouts, despite huge wealth

The Marist Brothers and Fathers have educated prime ministers, judges, cardinals and All Blacks at their prestigious Catholic high schools. But their record of sexual abuse is horrific. Worse still was their handling of the abuse when it was exposed. In this series, The Secret History, Steve Kilgallon investigates the power, abuse and cover-ups at the…

Read More...How Marists avoided large victim payouts, despite huge wealth

A harrowing result of a year-long probe into what extent evidence of child abuse within the Jehovah’s Witnesses was ignored and covered-up

Call Bethel: The Telegraph’s investigative team delivers a powerful podcast. A five-part series from The Telegraph’s award-winning investigative team looks into decades of alleged child sex abuse in the Jehovah’s Witnesses. It all began when the team received a tip-off in August last year claiming the church had a secret database of abuse allegations. They decide…

Read More...A harrowing result of a year-long probe into what extent evidence of child abuse within the Jehovah’s Witnesses was ignored and covered-up

A secret world of power, abuse and cover-ups in New Zealand schools

The Marist Brothers and Fathers have educated prime ministers, judges, cardinals and All Blacks at their Catholic high schools. But their record of sexual abuse is horrific. Worse still was their handling of the abuse when it was exposed. In this series The Secret History, Steve Kilgallon investigates the power, abuse and cover-ups at the…

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Listen, learn, connect: Nelson hui for sex abuse male survivor support services

A Tairāwhiti contingent represented the region’s peer support service for male survivors of sexual abuse at the second annual Male Survivors Aotearoa hui in Nelson last week. Five members of the Tauawhi Charitable Trust, which provides governance for Te Hōkai: Male Survivors Tairāwhiti, attended the three-day hui along with MSA representatives from across the country.…

Read More...Listen, learn, connect: Nelson hui for sex abuse male survivor support services

In Defence of Men

The fragile dynamic between the sexes has always been somewhat fraught. Thirty years ago, American relationship counsellor John Gray seemed to hit both a nerve and a gold mine when he managed to shift more than 15 million copies of his bestseller, Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus. Since then, things appear to have…

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