Coming In From The Cold

26 New Zealand male survivors share their personal stories of sexual abuse

In a new publication that records the last 10 years in the development of Tautoko Tāne Aotearoa, you will read the stories of 26 Tautoko Tāne staff and clients who have generously shared their survivor experiences to raise awareness of the impacts of sexual violence and to support the important work of the only national network in New Zealand that is dedicated to enabling the wellbeing of male survivors.


Community is first of all a quality of the heart. It grows from the spiritual knowledge that we are alive not for ourselves but for one another.

Henri Nouwen

Comparison Between Male and Female Survivors of Sexual Abuse and Assault in Relation to Age at Admission to Therapy, Age of Onset, and Age at Last Sexual Assault: Retrospective Observational Study

Sexual abuse and sexual assault are complex phenomena that involve many factors (or correlates) and have many health and financial implications for individuals, families, and society. Every correlate needs to be studied in detail, individually and in relation to other correlates. Only with a thorough understanding of these correlates can more efficient and targeted prevention…

Read MoreComparison Between Male and Female Survivors of Sexual Abuse and Assault in Relation to Age at Admission to Therapy, Age of Onset, and Age at Last Sexual Assault: Retrospective Observational Study

Evaluation of PartnerSPEAK

Child sexual abuse material (CSAM) is rapidly becoming more prevalent online (Bursztein et al., 2019) as the number of people accessing it is increasing. This problem has only escalated during the COVID-19 pandemic, which has prompted an unprecedented increase in reports of CSAM to authorities (NCMEC, 2021). Many of these men have partners or families…

Read MoreEvaluation of PartnerSPEAK

Whispers in private: The lived experiences of male victims of intimate partner violence – a research paper

Intimate partner violence (IPV) is a major social problem and health concern worldwide and remains an emotional and controversial topic. While few studies have been conducted with a focus on men’s experiences of victimisation from female partners there is now a growing body of literature highlighting a knowledge gap and the need for more research…

Read MoreWhispers in private: The lived experiences of male victims of intimate partner violence – a research paper

Serving Male-Identified Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence – a technical assistance guide from the National Research Centre on Domestic Violence

Historically, domestic violence programs were born from the women’s liberation movement of the 1970s to address the needs of female survivors, who still represent the majority of victims seeking services today. Generally, the domestic violence movement has framed its work on a gender binary with men as perpetrators and women as victims. We have come…

Read MoreServing Male-Identified Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence – a technical assistance guide from the National Research Centre on Domestic Violence

How gender bias in research and the use of misleading language harms male victims of family violence – a case study

Male victims of family violence have always lacked the services and support available (many would say insufficiently available) to female victims. Thankfully more services and support are now available to men than were provided decades ago, however lack of services for male victims is still a significant problem that needs addressing. This article uses a…

Read MoreHow gender bias in research and the use of misleading language harms male victims of family violence – a case study

How Mutual Empathy and Authenticity Contribute to Client Change

A study to examine the association between the therapeutic relationship and the experience of client change as evidenced by changes observed by the therapist. The study focused on the real relationship component of the tripartite model, and mutual empathy and authenticity, elements of relational-cultural theory. A correlational study design was used to explore the relationship…

Read MoreHow Mutual Empathy and Authenticity Contribute to Client Change

The Relationship Experiences of Male Survivors of Sexual Abuse: A Qualitative Analysis

Although the experience of sexual abuse is quite common among men, particularly among those in clinical populations, relatively little research has been done specifically with male survivors and the impact of abuse in their lives. More specifically, the impact of sexual abuse on male survivors’ relationship dynamics has been underdeveloped in the research literature. Untapped…

Read MoreThe Relationship Experiences of Male Survivors of Sexual Abuse: A Qualitative Analysis

New research shows that disabled people experience higher rates of violence

This is the first population-based prevalence research exploring experiences of intimate partner violence (IPV) among disabled people in Aotearoa New Zealand. The researchers also explored prevalence rates of non-partner violence among disabled people. Researchers from the University of Auckland used data from the 2019 New Zealand Family Violence Survey, which surveyed more than 2800 women and men. The…

Read MoreNew research shows that disabled people experience higher rates of violence

Improving policy and practice responses for men sexually abused in childhood 

A significant number of men in Australia are victim/survivors of child sexual abuse. While a growing number of services offer therapeutic support and counselling for men, the issue of men’s sexual victimisation has not become a public policy issue. It is suggested that conceptualising and responding to male sexual victimisation as a public health issue,…

Read MoreImproving policy and practice responses for men sexually abused in childhood 

Research confirms that supervision of peer support workers is better if informed by knowledge and understanding of the role

An analysis of open-ended survey responses compares and contrasts perceptions on supervision from supervisors with experience providing direct peer support services (PS) and supervisors without experience providing direct peer support services (NPS). A 16-item online survey was distributed via the National Association of Peer Supporters (N.A.P.S.) listserv and through peer networks and peer run organizations.…

Read MoreResearch confirms that supervision of peer support workers is better if informed by knowledge and understanding of the role

Is peer support effective?

Studies on the use of peers in the mental health field have demonstrated that peer staff have an ability to reach people who have been otherwise seen as difficult to engage. In research conducted by PRCH, peer interventions have been associated with fewer hospitalizations, fewer days in the hospital, longer community tenure after hospitalization, increased…

Read MoreIs peer support effective?

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